我。” 十一点,两人坐上老麦克的车,开向城里的一间法国餐厅。 老麦克把车停好,下车先观察了一番,“狗仔很多。” “正好。”宋亚一只手搂住菲姬的肩膀,“干嘛?还坐着?出来啊?” 菲姬双眼兴奋地闪着光,“真的吗?你确定?在狗仔的镜头前?” “耶,都跟你说我现在无敌了。” 宋亚把她拽出来,菲姬的个头很矮,宋亚的胳膊勾住她肩膀,手正好垂在她胸前,“别缩脖子,你不是童星吗?大方面对镜头不会?” “APLUS!你的新女友是菲姬吗?她和你有多久了?” 记者们很快认出了‘小号’MV的女主角,“是因为她和米拉分手的吗?你们俩在一起是在分手之前还是之后?” 狗仔们如获至宝,疯狂按动快门。 “跟他们打个招呼,别发抖!”宋亚低头小声命令。 菲姬笑着抬起胳膊朝镜头招手。 “不是这种招呼,用嘻哈的方式。” 菲姬手掌朝内,四指收起,独留一个中指。 feeling used but I'm still missing you and I can't see the end of this just wanna feel your kiss against my lips and now all this time is passing by but I still can't seem to tell you why it hurts me every time I see you realize how much I need you 狗仔们办事效率很高,开始上菜的时候,米拉的电话就打了过来。 “I hate you!”她哭得稀里哗啦。 i hate you i love you i hate that i love you don't want to, but i can't put nobody else above you i hate you i love you i hate that i love you you want her, you need her and I'll never be her